It is Quincy University’s pleasure to continue its educational partnership with Quincy Notre Dame High School.  As you may already know, the substance of this collaboration is to provide dual credit courses to qualified Quincy Notre Dame students.  This type of dual credit arrangement enables students, while still in high school, to gain college credit for certain courses that target specific collegiate-level learning outcomes.


Providing your social security number ensures complete accuracy in pulling your records when you request them.

To make it possible for the maximum number of qualified Quincy Notre Dame students to take advantage of these course offerings, Quincy University has agreed to offer them at a substantially reduced tuition rate of $230.00 per credit hour, and the following regulations apply:


  • Students cannot retroactively ask for dual credit after the course is completed.
  • Please include the student’s social security number and birthdate, so that the Business Office can generate a 1098T tax form for your filing purposes.
  • After the first registration, you will be able to bypass the website to register and pay on for any proceeding semesters.


We are pleased about the opportunity dual credit affords two educational institutions in the Diocese of Springfield to promote quality learning experiences for our Catholic population.  If you have questions about dual credit courses, please contact Tammy Mabie in the Quincy University Registrar’s Office at 217-228-5280.


The form below will need to be filled out by the student. The information on the form is the student's information for our database and transcripts. Also, the information will be used to create their QU account. Once the form has been filled out you will receive an email with your Quincy University login information.

Quincy University has agreed to offer them at a substantially reduced tuition rate of $230.00 per credit hour

  • Fall 2024 payment is due Friday, August 30, 2024, by 4:30 P.M.
  • Spring 2025 payment is due Friday, January 31, 2025, by 4:30 P.M. 
  • Payment must be received in full to be officially enrolled in the course
  • Payment can be made online with an electronic check, credit, or debit card through or can be turned in to Student Financial Services
  • No late registrations will be accepted.

The following courses will be offered during the 2024-2025 academic year through the Quincy University/Quincy Notre Dame dual credit partnership:


Fall 2024

PSY 100 (Introduction to Psychology) 3 credits

HIS 111 (United States History I) 3 credits


Spring 2025

HIS 112 (United States History II) 3 credits

BUS 219 (Personal Finance) 3 credits

PSY 100 (Introduction to Psychology) 3 credits