QUCONSOLES for devices without login option
QUCONSOLES is available to connect devices which are not compatible with the authentication type used on QUINCY. If your device does not have both a username and password blank when connecting to a wifi network, it will need to be connected to QUCONSOLES. This commonly includes TVs, game consoles, and smart home devices like Alexa.
There is no password to connect to QUCONSOLES. Instead, to connect a device to the QUCONSOLES network, you will need to register your device in our Device Registration Self-Assistance Portal. Note that if you are returning to campus after an extended time away (such as the summer or winter breaks), it may be necessary to reregister devices as devices which have not connected for some time automatically fall off the registration list. Below are instructions for registering devices.
1) Connect your phone, tablet, or laptop to the QUINCY network.
2) In a web browser, go to clearpass.quincy.edu and log in using your QU login information (the same username and password you use to log in to my.quincy.edu)

3) After logging in, navigate to the Create Device page. On a computer, this will be in the sidebar on the left of the screen. On mobile, you will need to click Back to Main at the bottom of the page, then Create Device. See the screenshots below for directions:


4) Locate your device's MAC address. The MAC address is found in a different place on every device. You can usually find the MAC address in the device's network settings. You may also be able to find it on a sticker on the device. A MAC address is different from an IP address, and it usually looks like 1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F. Each device will have a unique MAC address. You can generally find the location of your device's MAC by Googling it with a search like "Playstation 4 MAC address location". If your device has multiple MAC addresses listed, you will need to register the WiFi MAC. This is often designated as "Wireless", "WiFi", or "WLAN".
5) Register your device in the Create Device portal area. Fill in the required blanks and click "Create".

6) Repeat this process for all devices you wish to connect to QUCONSOLES. You can check what devices you've already registered by clicking on Manage Devices.

The QUCONSOLES wireless network and residential ethernet network does not support some online game play types and features for cybersecurity reasons.
If you need assistance connecting your devices, you can contact the IT department by email at helpdesk@quincy.edu or by phone at 217-228-5250.